A final message before this coach walks away from the game.

As I write this, I know maybe it’s my last diary entry, hopefully my feelings will Change but right now maybe my last before I walk away from something I’ve done for 3-4 years now.

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I’m a Coach who has just had enough of too many parents doing everything but being happy there kid loves football and loves coming and seem to complain, whinge and moan about everything, even criticise other people’s kids, cause trouble and tell lies about other parents and situations. Why do this?

Most coaches work full time, have families, other responsibilities, yet myself like others give up at least 2 nights a week to coach your kids, plus more time away from that planning sessions, sorting fund raisers, chasing kits, sorting tournaments, answering emails, arranging weekend game, replying to text messages 11pm at night, Plus much more and we do this for FREE cause we enjoy it and love seeing kids develop and grow.

YOUR kid develop and grow!!!!!

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So why do parents find the need to send you messages a mile long slamming the performance of a young team in mini soccer despite the fact you win most weeks, these texts happen when you do actually win too.

Why when you are not happy about the littlest thing do you find it necessary to spread that with other parents and convince them your right and encourage them to hound the coach too?

Sadly I can’t give you examples of the situations I am talking about here, but the point I am making is how many coaches have to walk away mainly due to how parents behave and conduct themselves and how they go on sometimes.

Where have all the parents gone who just turn up watch there kid play and as long as they enjoy it everything is good. These days it’s like the parents want to coach, watch and run the club and the coach is there employee…..

It’s simple….. no coaches means no grassroots stop before it’s too late!!!!!!!!

One thought on “A final message before this coach walks away from the game.

  1. I feel your pain. 19 years grassroots coaching myself. Imagine what I’ve seen & experienced in that time.

    My best advice is to give them something to do. Keep them occupied. See which ones will take a coaching course, a referee’s course? A Safeguardimg course? Get one of them to do the admin – the texts, the phone calls.

    The “busy” ones on the touchline – get them doing specific match analysis tasks on things you’ll never use, but makes them feel important.

    Don’t give up. You’ll be constantly questioned & criticised, but you are the one that makes it happen. Without you the team would probably not exist.

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