
Dribbling Technique / Skill (outside of the triangles)

Dribbling Tech/Skill 1: Players can not go into the triangle and must stay near the outside. One player is the chaser while the other is trying to get away. Swap over each time someone gets tagged. Both players have a ball. 2: One player is in the triangle without a ball while the other is […]

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Defending Phase of Play (defence and midfield)

Defending Phase of Play (defence and midfield) Blues have to attack in a 2-4-formation (2 wing backs, 4 midfielders and 2 strikers) and score in the main goal. The reds (in a 4v4 formation) have to defend the main goal and attack the two other goals. Have a starting point, for example, a blue striker […]

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Defending Centrally 4v4

Defending Centrally Four Vs four in the middle with a goalkeeper and three servers. The blue team have to try to score while the red team have to prevent them from scoring and win the ball. If they win it then they must play to the servers to score.   Key points: – Centre mids […]

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Defending Tech/Skill 2 v 2 in the penalty area

Defending Tech/Skill 2 v 2 in the area with the defending team having a goalkeeper and the attacking team having 4 players to pass to on the outside. The attackers have to score while the defending have to stop them. Attackers have 5 goes to try and score, after this swap defenders and attackers over. […]

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1 Touch Countering

Possession to 1 touch counter attack Teams play 4v4 in the central zone. Once they’ve completed a minimum of 4 passes, they can play into the #9 who is limited to touch. 2 players from the same team must join the attack and are also limited to 1 touch. All 3 players must touch the […]

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