Charter Standard Annual Health Check Applications Open NOW!!!

Charter Standard Clubs are required to complete an annual health check every season to ensure that the clubs still meets the correct requirements.

Charter Standard is an accreditation scheme which aims to improve standards in grassroots football clubs, support the development of clubs and rewards and recognises them for their commitment and achievements.

The FA Charter Standard accreditation is awarded to clubs that are well-run and sustainable – and which prioritise child protection, quality coaching and implementation of the Respect programme.

There are three levels of FA Charter Standard Awards for clubs:

-FA Charter Standard Club for youth and adult clubs: the entry-level accreditation

-FA Charter Standard Development Club: for clubs clearly enhancing the quality and scope of their football offering

-FA Charter Standard Community Club: acknowledging the most advanced level of club development and football provision.

For clubs who have FA Charter Standard accreditation, the challenge is to progress to the next level or to maintain that level. For clubs without FA Charter Standard status, the scheme provides aspirational points on its development journey.

The Annual Health Check process is completed via the Whole Game System by the club secretary, chair or welfare officer.

The clubs are required to check that the correct teams are affiliated, make sure that all managers/coaches, first aiders and assistants are uploaded onto the system and linked with the correct teams, then check that all the volunteers hold CRCs and the required qualifications.

All FA Charter Standard Clubs are required to complete their Annual Health Checks between the 1stNovember 2017 and 28th February 2018. This will then be checked by County FA staff and approved once it meets all requirements.

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