Corwen JFC Club & Community destroyed by Floods

After the weekend floods in North Wales it looks like all the equipment including our generator, will be ruined at the Corwen Junior Football pitches.

All the kids and volunteers are devastated by the damage the water has done and have no idea when the pitches will be useable again and where the money will come from to replace damaged and contaminated equipment!

The football club is one of the few clubs and activities available to kids in this rural area and the ONLY club in South Denbighshire offering football league opportunities to Girls aged 10 to 16 years.

We need money now to keep the kids playing football, through hiring other pitches to train and play matches… and then there’s the cost of getting our own pitches sorted!! It’s a huge task for the volunteers who give up their spare time to run this club.

PLEASE, Please donate and help us raise funds for these kids.

Donate HERE


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