I am a Child and this is MY game…..

I am a Child and I like to play,

I like to step onto the pitch and do it my way,

I like to hear you call out my name,

When your encouraging me to play my game.



It fills me with confidence and pride,

When I know you support me and you know that I tried,

When I come off the pitch I like to see you smile,

The happiness I feel makes it all worth while.



Please keep encouraging me and just let me play,

I like what I do when I do it my way,

Each day I am learning and each step is new,

Each game is a lesson, every training is too.



I’m not yet an adult,

I’ll learn at my pace,

Maybe different to others,

But my childhood isn’t a race.



The pitch is my playground,

My team are my friends,

Football is my fun time,

Please don’t let that end.




I am a child and I like to play,

Grassroots is our time,

Let’s keep it that way!!!




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