Important Safety warning for anyone involved in Grassroots Football.

Please be very careful if you’re planning to get involved in grassroots football, it is not without risks.

We are involved in Grassroots Football and I feel I need to warn people of the dangers!

Beware of the risks associated with Grassroots Football, it will add happiness, it will add friends, it will improve your children health through exercise, it will increase your families social circle and social life, it will fill a part of your life that nothing else will come close to.

The risk of meeting teams, coaches, kids etc that want more from you than just a hello is insufferably high. Many coaches and league officials will want to give you their numbers and ask you to find them if you need any help. We ended up with way too many people that were willing to help us out if we had problems.

Also, you cannot go to a game without a parent, referee, coach etc wanting to have a chat and catch up with you and show genuine affection for being in the grassroots family. All these people being so friendly is very inconvenient. People in Grassroots are way too happy, relaxed, always smiling even the kids will smile, laugh and show levels of respect and integrity you won’t see anywhere else.

You will have no choice but to enjoy the ride, laugh with your football family, share in the highs and lows as one, that feeling that only being part of a team can give you, its very inconvenient.

If you accidently run into a league secretary, you will be astonished by their level of commitment and compassion they have for your team and every other team, they will talk about the game with a love so infectious it will be impossible not to be inspired, they will help you understand matters of welfare and safeguarding and show a drive and determination to make the game a better place for everyone.

Beware of the weather also. The weather is so incredible, you will be sunbathing one minute and the next you will be caught in a downpour,  annoyingly it won’t take the happiness away from these people involved in Grassroots Football, it doesn’t seem to effect them, quite worrying really. You will enjoy the great outdoors and find a love of freshly cut grass on a weekend morning, you will experience feelings you can’t get from the APP store.

After reading all this if you still want to take the risk, give a share and most importantly Welcome to the Grassroots Family!

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