Investment in coaches or facilities, What would be your priority??

I was wondering what people’s thoughts were on where the priority for investment should be. Recently I’ve seen many few posts about mini soccer being played indoors in the winter or even converting to Futsal.

I’ve seen some good points made, and some points I don’t agree with on this debate. A few years ago when the FA announced a new blue print for mini soccer, I like a lot of people was encouraged by the plans and ideas. People involved within grassroots football, from mini soccer to semi pro standard were impressed that after decades of minimum funding, we would be part a promising future.

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The promise of higher standards of coaching, better facilities leading to more promising children coming through. I feel that what was set by the FA has made no improvement at all because the plans were flawed from the start. The FA chose to copy the Dutch way of coaching total football, which in my case was out dated and then tried to add tiki taka, which again I feel is becoming out dated.

The FA focused on getting coaches qualified to a minimum stage of level 1 and 2 coaching. My personal view on this is its a way for the FA to generate income and not in the best interests of the sport. For example in almost all walks of life there are more than 1 organisation to buy a service from in this case a coaching course, however to be involved in the sport the one recognised qualifications are FA ones, who set the prices!! If there were a few competing organisations the standard would increase and the price would decrease.


I think the FA should invest money into facilities and also were applicable subsidise the cheaper hiring costs of expensive facilities for teams and parents. The Parklike project in principle is great however it will only benefit a minority of the country.

What’s the point of teaching coaches to coach to a higher standard if the facilities are to a worsening standard?  Better facilities are too expensive and in winter months due to the British climate games a are constantly called off. If the FA and local professional clubs help to upgrade facilities, ie better maintained pitches and an outdoor 3G, all weather pitch for all kids teams, training wouldn’t get affected, children can train and experience playing football in different conditions and it would help motivate coaches and teams maintaining higher standards.

I’m not a fan of moving mini soccer away from the winter as football in this country has always been played at this time of the year at all levels. I really believe we can improve facilities, and give every club access to an all weather pitch. These are only my opinions I would like to know what other people think ……



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