Sign up HERE for FA Girls Football Week 23-29 April

This year’s FA Girls Football Week will run from 23rd April – 29th April 2018.

It will be a fun filled week of activities designed to get as many girls involved in playing football.

Whether girls play regularly or are lacing their boots for the first time, it is a great opportunity for them to get active, meet new friends and have fun!

Supported by Disney for the first time, we will provide registered organisers with a range of coaching session resources which use Disney story-telling to deliver football related activities.This allows girls’ taking part to imagine the fantasy world of their favourite Disney films whilst also learning and developing essential football skills.

When you register your activities you will also receive a range of digital marketing resources and guidelines to help you promote your events, as well as support on how to deliver activities in a fun and safe environment.

Register your events before 28th February 2018 and you will be entered into a prize draw to win a hospitality box at Wembley Stadium for the Women’s FA Cup Final on 5th May 2018.


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