Sports minister warns government may legislate to reform the FA

Grassroots have stated for many years now that the FA is not representative enough when it comes to Grassroots Football, the warning signs have been there for many years.

Since the formation of the Premier League, grassroots football has felt more and more isolated, and the gulf between the professional game and grassroots game seems at an all time high.

Sports Minister Tracey Crouch

Tracey Crouch, the sports minister has now stated that  the government are considering passing a law to force the Football Association to reform if it has not reorganised its council and board by April.

Previous high profile former FA chairman and Prince William have all recently spoken out about the need for the FA to reform and be more representative of the game and the people it represents.

The FA is on notice that it will lose £30m public funding for grassroots football via Sport England and not receive support for any future World Cup bid if a reformed board and council are not delivered, Crouch told the select committee.

See the full list of FA council members HERE


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