The biggest league in Europe asks the kids what they want….

Sheffield District Junior Sunday league have developed a youth conference for junior players and referees to shape the future of the league. 

A conference to help develop and shape the needs for its players is taking place this Summer.

The League invites a youth member (current players in this league) from each Club to attend to represent that club. Young refs in the League will also be invited.

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During the day long Conference, various problem scenarios will be put to those attending the Conference with the key objective of the attendees to come up with solutions.

This will be mean the League will be shaped by the needs and solutions of those at the heart of it – the young players.  

The Day will be led by our young members on the League committee, with other committee members in attendance to offer support.

A fun activity be made available as a thank you.

 More detail to follow on a date and venue.

– See more at:


What a great idea from this progressive thinking league. It certainly has our backing and we look forward to seeing what the thoughts of the children are.  


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